Resguardo Provincial
Laura Brito Boriyu is part of the Wakuaipa Communication Collective of the Wayúu de Provincial indigenous reservation in La Guajira, Colombia. This collective is made up of young communicators and audiovisual producers who, through communication, denounce the reality that the south of La Guajira has been suffering for more than 40 years with the presence of one of the largest open-pit coal mines in the world. This extractive mega-project has destroyed the territory and displaced dozens of Wayúu communities, affecting their ancestral practices and turning them into workers for an extractive multinational. The story of the Provincial reservation is dramatic, as the mine is located 700 metres from the community. In Provincial, they suffer from direct contamination by coal dust in the air, daily explosions and water pollution. This is why it is very important to train young communicators from the Wayúu people so that they can use their own worldview to denounce the profound impact of the multinational and to counteract the heavy investment in propaganda that the company makes to keep its face clean in the public eye while it destroys Wayúu ancestral territory.
Wakuaipa Communications Collective Publications
Documentary “Buried Dreams”
Produced by the Wakuaipa Communications Collective of the resguardo of Provincial.
El Cerrejón, one of the largest open-pit coal mines in the world, conducts mining operations just 700 meters from the Wayúu indigenous reservation of Provincial. In addition to the serious cultural and natural impacts, the community has suffered the impact of coal dust contamination, leaving serious health problems, mainly affecting Wayúu children.

Provincial, el resguardo indígena wayuu de Colombia, que vivió uno de sus mejores años durante la pandemia.
Por: Laura Brito “Debido al cese de actividad minera de una de las empresas carboníferas más grandes del mundo, este resguardo de la guajira tuvo ocho meses de tranquilidad” Durante la pandemia del 2020 ocurrieron múltiples hechos catastróficos, sin embargo, en...